A trusted and experienced partner providing tailored it solutions to secure your business
At BullTech Informatica, we are committed to delivering high-quality IT services and support, with the goal of streamlining processes, enhancing productivity, and safeguarding our customers' data.
A trusted and experienced partner providing tailored IT solutions to secure your business
At BullTech Informatica, we are committed to delivering high-quality IT services and support, with the goal of streamlining processes, enhancing productivity, and safeguarding our customers' data.
A trusted and experienced partner providing tailored it solutions to secure your business
At BullTech Informatica, we are committed to delivering high-quality IT services and support, with the goal of streamlining processes, enhancing productivity, and safeguarding our customers' data.
We manage your company's entire IT infrastructure, allowing you to focus fully on growing your business.
Why choose us?
At BullTech Informatica, we are dedicated to providing top-tier IT services designed to resolve the technical challenges you face every day. We are your right-hand partner, capable of handling everything from minor issues to the most complex problems.
Our mission is to simplify operations, increase productivity, protect company data, and give our customers peace of mind.
We manage your company's entire IT infrastructure, allowing you to focus fully on growing your business.
Why choose us?
At BullTech Informatica, we are dedicated to providing top-tier IT services designed to resolve the technical challenges you face every day. We are your right-hand partner, capable of handling everything from minor issues to the most complex problems.
Protection of your data, cyber security and Cyber Security for the prevention of attacks and threats. Protect your data!
We provide more than just a firewall: we monitor attacks, protect your company, and configure both internal and external security.
We offer continuous IT support through monthly contracts, ensuring reliable management that is recognized and valued by our customers.
Protection of your data, cyber security and Cyber Security for the prevention of attacks and threats. Protect your data!
We provide more than just a firewall—we monitor attacks, protect your company, and configure both internal and external security.
We offer continuous IT support through monthly contracts, ensuring reliable management that is recognized and valued by our customers.
Protection of your data, cyber security and Cyber Security for the prevention of attacks and threats. Protect your data!
We provide more than just a firewall, we monitor attacks, protect your company, and configure both internal and external security.
We offer continuous IT support through monthly contracts, ensuring reliable management that is recognized and valued by our customers.
Consulting and IT Support: customized solutions with continuous assistance
IT consulting is a key factor in the success of modern businesses. At BullTech Informatica, we are committed to understanding our customers’ specific needs, providing tailored solutions and ongoing support for high-quality IT assistance. Our proactive approach ensures maximum efficiency and security for IT infrastructures.
Consulting and it support: customized solutions with ongoing assistance
IT consulting is a key factor in the success of modern businesses. At BullTech Informatica, we are committed to understanding our customers’ specific needs, providing tailored solutions and ongoing support for high-quality IT assistance. Our proactive approach ensures maximum efficiency and security for IT infrastructures.
Security and backup: protecting businesses from digital threats and securing their data
Over the years, we have built strong, trust-based relationships with our customers by delivering rapid interventions, high-quality IT services, and reliable support. Our goal is to provide innovative solutions that safeguard and strengthen corporate infrastructures.
Over the years, we have built strong, trust-based relationships with our customers by delivering rapid interventions, high-quality IT services, and reliable support. Our goal is to provide innovative solutions that safeguard and strengthen corporate IT infrastructures.
Security and backup: protecting businesses from digital threats and securing their data
Security and backup: protecting businesses from digital threats and securing their data
Over the years, we have built strong, trust-based relationships with our customers by delivering rapid interventions, high-quality IT services, and reliable support. Our goal is to provide innovative solutions that safeguard and strengthen corporate infrastructures.
MSP: the smart system that simplifies it management with clear billing and no surprises!
With our MSP service, all your “as-a-service” IT solutions, such as Office 365, Bitdefender, and more, are integrated into a single, convenient package. Enjoy centralized management, full visibility of active services, and the flexibility to activate, deactivate, or modify them monthly according to your needs.
MSP: the smart system that simplifies IT management with clear billing and no surprises!
With our MSP service, all your “as-a-service” IT solutions, such as Office 365, Bitdefender, and more, are integrated into a single, convenient package. Enjoy centralized management, full visibility of active services, and the flexibility to activate, deactivate, or modify them monthly according to your needs.
MSP: the smart system that simplifies IT management with clear billing and no surprises!
With our MSP service, all your “as-a-service” IT solutions—such as Office 365, Bitdefender, and more—are integrated into a single, convenient package. Enjoy centralized management, full visibility of active services, and the flexibility to activate, deactivate, or modify them monthly according to your needs.
Consulenza IT
Assistenza e supporto IT
Analizziamo nei minimi dettagli l’infrastruttura IT della tua azienda per individuare soluzioni su misura che ne ottimizzino le prestazioni. Grazie a un approccio proattivo, preveniamo i problemi prima che si presentino, garantendo continuità operativa e massima efficienza alla tua azienda.
Offriamo ai nostri clienti assistenza informatica continua con soluzioni personalizzate su misura. I nostri servizi, disponibili sia da remoto che onsite, garantiscono sicurezza, efficienza e aggiornamenti costanti, permettendo alle aziende di restare sempre al passo con le ultime tecnologie e innovazioni.
Sicurezza IT
Backup dati e gestione server
Bulltech Security è la scelta ideale per proteggere la rete della tua azienda. Grazie a firewall avanzati e a un monitoraggio costante, garantiamo una sicurezza totale, estendendo la protezione a tutti i dispositivi aziendali. Affidati a noi per una rete sempre sicura e sotto controllo.
Fornitura e noleggio dispositivi IT
UCaas centralini evoluti
Offriamo soluzioni di comunicazione unificata in grado di garantire continuità operativa e di implementare la produttività. Grazie a un’elevata affidabilità, la tua azienda può contare su un sistema sempre attivo e protetto.
Proponiamo soluzioni di noleggio ad aziende che necessitano di dispositivi performanti e aggiornabili, ideali per chi utilizza software avanzati di grafica. Per usi più semplici, come Office e stampa, l’acquisto può essere una scelta valida. Offriamo soluzioni di qualità e supporto onsite per garantire un servizio completo.
Offriamo soluzioni di archiviazione su misura, sia su server fisici che in cloud, in base alle esigenze della tua azienda. Ci occupiamo anche della manutenzione continua dei server, garantendo sicurezza, efficienza e continuità operativa nel tempo.
IT Consulting
IT Support and assistance
IT Security
We analyze your company’s IT infrastructure in detail to identify tailor-made solutions that optimize performance. With a proactive approach, we prevent issues before they arise, ensuring business continuity and maximum efficiency.
BullTech Security is the ideal solution to safeguard your company’s network. With advanced firewalls and continuous monitoring, we guarantee comprehensive protection, extending security to all company devices. Rely on us for a network that is always safe and under control.
We provide continuous IT support with customized solutions tailored to our customers’ needs. Our services, available both remotely and onsite, ensure security, efficiency, and regular updates, helping companies stay up to date with the latest technologies and innovations.
Data backup and server management
UCaaS advanced Switchboards
Supply and rental of IT equipment
We provide customized storage solutions, both on physical servers and in the cloud, based on your company’s specific needs. We also handle continuous server maintenance, ensuring security, efficiency, and long-term reliability.
We offer unified communication solutions that guarantee business continuity and enhance productivity. With high reliability, your company can count on a system that is always active and fully protected.
We provide rental solutions for companies that require high-performance, upgradable devices, ideal for professionals using advanced graphics software. For simpler needs, such as Office applications and printing, purchasing may be a better option.
IT Consulting
We analyze your company’s IT infrastructure in detail to identify tailor-made solutions that optimize performance. With a proactive approach, we prevent issues before they arise, ensuring business continuity and maximum efficiency.
IT Security
BullTech Security is the ideal solution to safeguard your company’s network. With advanced firewalls and continuous monitoring, we guarantee comprehensive protection, extending security to all company devices. Rely on us for a network that is always safe and under control.
IT support and assistance
We provide continuous IT support with customized solutions tailored to our customers’ needs. Our services, available both remotely and onsite, ensure security, efficiency, and regular updates—helping companies stay up to date with the latest technologies and innovations
Data backup and server management
We provide customized storage solutions, both on physical servers and in the cloud, based on your company’s specific needs. We also handle continuous server maintenance, ensuring security, efficiency, and long-term reliability.
UCaas advanced Switchboards
Offriamo soluzioni di comunicazione unificata in grado di garantire continuità operativa e di implementare la produttività. Grazie a un’elevata affidabilità, la tua azienda può contare su un sistema sempre attivo e protetto.
Supply and rental of IT equipment
We provide rental solutions for companies that require high-performance, upgradable devices—ideal for professionals using advanced graphics software. For simpler needs, such as Office applications and printing, purchasing may be a better option.
Request IT Consulting
We start by understanding your needs and identifying tailored solutions to enhance your company’s IT security
- We answer your questions
- We consider your budget
- We help you avoid mistakes and unnecessary investments
Request IT consulting
We start by understanding your needs and identifying tailored solutions to enhance your company’s IT security
- We answer your questions
- We help you avoid mistakes and unnecessary investments
- We help you avoid mistakes and unnecessary investments

Massimo Vimercati Hanno sistemato il server infettato dai virus! Meno male, sono riusciti a salvare la mia azienda. Maurizio 69 Azienda TOP affidabile e seria, Andrea in 10 minuti ha risolto un problema che altri non sono stati in grado di risolvere per settimane. visual reverberations Avevo un problema che non ero sicuro di poter risolvere al mio mac pro (tower), sia perché non sapevo se si trattasse solo dell'alimentatore (non facilmente reperibile) o anche della scheda madre. Alla Bulltech hanno eseguito tutti i test, trovato i problemi e riconsegnato il computer che ora funziona perfettamente. Si sono dimostrati professionali e disponibili nel tenermi aggiornato della situazione. Li consiglio caldamente. Enrico Donati Roberto Fagiani Tre aziende e vari tecnici diversi pagati profumatamente e nessuno di loro è riuscito a risolvere definitivamente il problema che avevamo al server dell’azienda. Un amico mi ha consigliato di chiamare Bulltech e l’ho fatto. Sono passati mesi e il server ha sempre funzionato. Problema sparito. Numeri uno